Category: Electronics
| Year: 2021
- Create a timer to control a UV light curing system for resin 3D prints
- Circuit designed in KiCad
- A monostable timer design based on a 555 chip
- Timer is connected to a MOSFET to control UV LED strip
- Design milled into single-sided copper clad board with an engraving bit
- Through-hole and surface mount components soldered
- Potentiometer, power supply, and curing enclosure connected
- The potentiometer sets the relative duration of the timer, and the button is pressed to begin the cycle
- When the timer runs out, the lights shut off
- Curing enclosure is a strip of near-UV LEDs inside of a paint can
- The timer circuit is perfect for my needs – I no longer overcure resin prints
- Combining the electronics into a case would make system look cleaner